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Industrial Technology

Our Industrial Technology Department offers the following courses to our high school students:


Introduction to Construction
Intro to Construction is designed to help students understand how technology is used to produce
our constructed environment.  Buildings and civil structures provide physical conditions people
want and need for themselves, their activities, and their possessions.  Students will study the
design of these structures.  They will then analyze these designs for strength and durability, as
well as explore the different forces that act upon these structures such as; compression, tension,
torsion, and fatigue.  Students will also design and build models of these structures and test the
strength and quality of their designs. 

Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing
Intro to Manufacturing I provides students with an introduction to manufacturing processes and
its relationship to society, individuals, and the environment.  An understanding of manufacturing
provides a base for technological literacy and competence.  This understanding is developed
through the study of two major technologies, material processing and management technology,
used by all manufacturing enterprises.  Activities should allow students to study techniques used
in identifying and obtaining resources in addition to developing an understanding of the primary
and secondary processes used to convert raw materials into finished products. 


Design Processes
Design Processes is a challenging course that utilizes skills students have learned throughout
their IT careers. Students will use a variety of tools and machines including: Table saw, miter
saw, planer, jointer, wood lathes and more. Students will use different processes to fabricate
challenging projects that will force them to use problem solving skills in order to succeed.
Students will learn skills such as; reading working drawings, reading a tape measure, and the
building and finishing process.


We also offer the following courses to our middle school students:


IT 8
IT 8 is an introductory wood working class where students will learn common wood working
processes.  Students will learn how to safely operate machines such as: the bandsaw, table saw,
miter saw, and sanders.  Students will use the appropriate processes and safety procedures in
order to fabricate a clock.


Intro To Manufacturing (Woods)
Manufacturing Systems 8 is an introductory wood working class where students will learn
common wood working processes.  Students will learn how different wood joints impact the
strength and longevity of a project.  Students will learn such skills as; reading a tape measure,
wood turning, and finishing techniques.  Projects will include: a spice rack, wood box, and a


Intro To Manufacturing (Metals)
Manufacturing Processes 8 provides students with an introduction to manufacturing processes
and its relationship to society, individuals, and the environment. An understanding of
manufacturing provides a base for technological literacy and competence. This understanding is
developed through the study of two major technologies, material processing and management
technology, used by all manufacturing enterprises. Activities should allow students to study
techniques used in identifying and obtaining resources in addition to developing an understanding of the primary and secondary processes used to convert raw materials into finished products.

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